One of the most common injuries reported after a car accident involving another car or a pedestrian is a femur fracture. Because breaking a femur is so difficult to do, drivers and pedestrians in New Hampshire are likely to also suffer other types of injuries. Read on...
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A Manchester Personal Injury Law Firm
Firm News
Distracted drivers pose a significant risk to pedestrians
Pedestrians are simply no match for heavy, motorized vehicles traveling at any speed. Distracted drivers are a particular risk for people on foot. When a driver fails to notice a pedestrian altogether, the resulting injuries can be catastrophic. Rights of pedestrians...
New Hampshire Supreme Court Holds that Part-time Employees are Entitled to Job Reinstatement
Generally, injured workers in New Hampshire have a right to reinstatement to their prior position within eighteen months of their work injury. RSA 281:25-a. By unanimous decision, the New Hampshire Supreme Court recently held that RSA 281:25-a applies to both...